Get Feedback on Your Framing!

Share your custom framing project and style choices with anyone online

Our mission is making it easier to custom frame pictures and artwork from start to finish.

At the beginning of each project you will be focused on getting the profile, mat and glaze choices right. For At Home custom framing using our DIY kits, we've built a few things to help out along the way, including the ability to upload a Preview Image inside the frame to better visualize the final result.

Once your artwork is in view, you can also utilize the "Golden Ratio" button that recommends a frame and mat width that are balanced with the dimensions of your artwork.

A good rule of thumb is that your mat width should be about twice the width of the face of the frame. A thinner mat will give you a contemporary feel, while a wider mat will provide a more traditional look.

Send Your Frame to a Friend, or the Entire Internet

Finally, if you need a second opinion, we have something else in the toolbox: Share

When you are customizing a frame for your art or photo, clicking Share saves the style you've selected and creates a unique link that can be shared with friends, family, or anyone with a good eye for design. If anyone clicks on your link, they will see the same frame color and other choices you made.

Have a look at the custom frame style selected here and see if you would make any changes.

You can also click to post your newly designed picture frame directly to Twitter or Facebook if you want to go wider and crowdsource more opinions.

Getting Feedback, "Save For Later" and Other Uses

One cool thing about sending out a link is that friends and family can respond with their own choices by using the same Share button and sending a new link back to you.

And if you want to just save an individual frame and the choices you've made for a given project, copy, paste and send the link to yourself.

Or, use the Save Frames for Later feature that appears when you have finalized your frame and added it to cart. This will send you an email with the link to your frame setup.

When you come back to it later, all of the settings will still be in place. Sometimes seeing a frame with fresh set of eyes will give you new inspiration on the best way to design it.

Browse custom frame styles - Level Frames

Note that matching your frame style to the artwork is preferable to matching it to the decor of the room you plan to display it in.

Ask a Designer

You are also welcome to send a Share link directly to us via chat or email.

Our designers have years of experience custom framing all kinds of artwork and photos, and can provide their own perspectives on what color frame to consider.

More to Come

Let us know if you have questions or other novel uses for these features. We believe that choosing a profile color and designing the perfect custom frame can be a fun and collaborative process, and have much more planned for this sharing tool. It's one of the ways we are building the best online custom framing experience around.

Happy framing!